Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 1232 Pages
- Publisher: P & R Publishing
- Publication Date: November 2021
The Whole Counsel of God, Volume 3: God's People in the Western World
Richard Gamble’s three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. “He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology,” Richard Pratt writes; not only that, he “penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that every believer faces.” Gamble engages the writings of theologians across disciplines and through church history to assist him in this task.
Having closely studied the Old and New Testaments in his first two volumes, Gamble turns to examine how the church has handled God’s holy Word throughout two thousand years of unfolding history in the West. In continuity with the rest of this work, the final installment presents a study of apologetics as well as practical application—integral parts of the whole counsel of God. Readers will follow the development of systematic theology in its context and, learning from the church’s past mistakes, be better able to defend it to the world.
“A very comprehensive theological project, embracing the disciplines of biblical theology, historical theology, and systematic theology,” writes John Frame. “Nothing comparable in scope has been done in the last hundred years within the circles of Reformed orthodoxy.”
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“[I] hope I act as the mouthpiece for many in expressing a deep sense of gratitude to the author for producing this library of theological learning. It is bound to stimulate, instruct, and challenge a whole range of readers—from Christians who are simply seeking to grow in their understanding of the faith to students and scholars seeking to further hone their theology. And with this sense of gratitude there is a corresponding thankfulness to God for giving Rick Gamble the strength and perseverance that have surely been needed to carry the burden and fulfill the vision that first launched The Whole Counsel of God.”
Sinclair Ferguson
From the Series Foreword
“For me, this volume is the capstone of the three-volume set and is worth the price of the set all by itself.”
Joel R. Beeke
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“A remarkable achievement. Gamble’s volume is sweeping, interesting, and, at times, quirky, not unlike the orthodox Protestantism he describes so well.”
Stephen D. Crocco
Divinity Librarian, Yale Divinity School
“This volume brings Richard C. Gamble’s ambitious integrative theological project—biblical, systematic, and historical—to completion. The coverage is remarkably comprehensive, the judgments careful and well-informed. Seminary students in particular will be well served by a careful reading of this entire project.”
William B. Evans
Younts Professor of Bible and Religion, Erskine College
“This conclusion of [Richard Gamble’s] remarkable achievement is a substantial and insightful guide to the contours of the leading ideas and significant persons of Christian thought, providing a starting point for students and a valuable resource for scholars of all theological traditions.”
Peter A. Lillback
President, Westminster Theological Seminary
“An ambitious and unique project, providing a synthesis of biblical theology, systematic theology, and church history; it should provide an excellent basis for further detailed study.”
Robert Letham
Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Union School of Theology
“I know of no other single source that effectively vacuum-packs such a wealth of useful material, as well as practical insights. I heartily commend this volume to energetic Christian readers; the time needed to work through it will be worth the lifetime of help that it gives to Christians who hope to thoughtfully understand and challenge unbelief in its many forms.”
K. Scott Oliphint
Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary
“[Gamble] combines the insights of many years of teaching in these disciplines with a pastor’s heart that renders this volume not only instructive but also edifying.”
Alan D. Strange
Professor of Church History, Mid-America Reformed Seminary
Product Description
Richard Gamble’s three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. “He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology,” Richard Pratt writes; not only that, he “penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that every believer faces.” Gamble engages the writings of theologians across disciplines and through church history to assist him in this task.
Having closely studied the Old and New Testaments in his first two volumes, Gamble turns to examine how the church has handled God’s holy Word throughout two thousand years of unfolding history in the West. In continuity with the rest of this work, the final installment presents a study of apologetics as well as practical application—integral parts of the whole counsel of God. Readers will follow the development of systematic theology in its context and, learning from the church’s past mistakes, be better able to defend it to the world.
“A very comprehensive theological project, embracing the disciplines of biblical theology, historical theology, and systematic theology,” writes John Frame. “Nothing comparable in scope has been done in the last hundred years within the circles of Reformed orthodoxy.”
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 1232 Pages
- Publisher: P & R Publishing
- Publication Date: November 2021