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What Does It Mean to Love God? (Cultivating Biblical Godliness)

Roberts, Maurice

$2.73 $3.00
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Publisher's Description

How do you love a person you cannot see? What do you give to someone who has it all? Why is it so important to love the Creator of the galaxies? What does it mean to love God? Jesus taught us that the greatest commandment given to mankind is to love the Lord with all our mind, heart, and strength, and yet what it means to love God can be a profound mystery. Maurice Roberts explains the biblical meaning of love for God and shows how such love moves us to do many things, from thirsting for God to praying for our neighbor's salvation. He shows that love for God is like a sweet fire that must lift all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, and all our strength in a holy flame toward God.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Reformation Heritage Books
  • Publication Date
    April 2014

Endorsements (1)

Reformation Heritage Books

What Does It Mean to Love God? (Cultivating Biblical Godliness)

$2.73 $3.00

Publisher's Description

How do you love a person you cannot see? What do you give to someone who has it all? Why is it so important to love the Creator of the galaxies? What does it mean to love God? Jesus taught us that the greatest commandment given to mankind is to love the Lord with all our mind, heart, and strength, and yet what it means to love God can be a profound mystery. Maurice Roberts explains the biblical meaning of love for God and shows how such love moves us to do many things, from thirsting for God to praying for our neighbor's salvation. He shows that love for God is like a sweet fire that must lift all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, and all our strength in a holy flame toward God.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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