Developing a Heart for Missions in the Next Generation
How can we give our children a vision of what God is doing in the world and their part in it?
February 16, 2024
A few weeks ago, my husband came home with four Advent calendars from the local grocery store, one for each of our kids. The calendars have little perforated windows corresponding to each day in December and will remain on top of our refrigerator for a few weeks until we start our family’s Advent tradition– a daily reading followed by a chocolate treat from those calendars. The season is a sweet (literally) and precious chance for our family to meditate on the sure hope we have because of Jesus’ birth.
During the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, many churches set aside time to deliberately meditate Christ’s birth– his first advent, or "coming." As believers living in between Jesus’ first and second coming, Advent is a chance for us to rejoice that he has already come, even as we anticipate his return.
As Advent approaches, we wanted to share some resources for those looking to incorporate material into their family devotions that focus on Jesus’ birth. For individuals and families trying to get into (or restart) the habit of doing family devotions, Advent is a great opportunity to begin.
Here are some of our favorite Advent devotionals for every age range and for the whole family.
Ages: 3-7
Theme: The Christmas story as told in the gospels, from the angel's visit to Mary through the coming of the wise men
Includes: Advent Calendar, prayers, Scripture passages, and read-aloud devotionals
What we love: A simple “Let’s Remember” phrase at the end of each devotional is perfect for helping lessons stick to young children (e.g. “Let’s Remember…Jesus is God’s forever King.”)
Ages: 4-10
Theme: The glory of Christ from Genesis to Revelation
Includes: Key Scripture to look up, a devotional commentary, and a summary highlighting showing how the passage points to Jesus
What we love: Families can use these instructions to create ornaments to go along with the book each day, or pair with activities from the Tracing Glory Ornament Activity Book.
Ages: 4-10
Theme: 14 Bible stories (start reading
Includes: Advent calendar with Bible verses, Scripture, discussion questions, suggested activities
What we love: The Advent Calendar opens to reveal the events of the first Christmas and calendar windows can be torn off and hung on a simple version of Jesus' family tree.
Ages: 5-11
Theme: Images in Isaiah (Jesus as the Light, Branch, Shepherd, Savior, Bread)
Includes: Fun stories, discussion questions, crafts, recipes, games, and suggestions for family service projects
What we love: How engaging these readings are— Champ Thorton makes big truths accessible and interesting for kids listening to these readings.
Ages: 4-12
Theme: How the glorious truths of Christmas beat the serpent’s lies from Genesis 3
Includes: Scripture reading, questions, short explanation, “engage” questions for different age ranges, prayer, family journaling space
What we love: A family journaling space leaves room for families to write down what they’ve learned, draw a picture, list things to thank God for, and more.
Ages: 4-12
Theme: The events surrounding the incarnation and why we celebrate Christmas
Includes: Scripture reading, memory verse, Christmas carol, discussion questions
What we love: Christmas hymns are incorporated in devotional time with questions about the lyrics
Ages: 13+
Theme: How the incarnation is the most glorious dawning of indestructible joy the world has ever seen
What we love: These devotionals are short and accessible while packed with theologically rich truth.
Ages: 13+
Theme: A narrative retelling of the story of the need for and the coming of Christ
What we love: This retelling of Scripture is compelling and fresh while remaining faithful to the text of Scripture.
Ages: 4-14+
Theme: How the many promises regarding Christ’s birth through ascension in the Old Testament demonstrate God’s love for us
Includes: Scripture passage, a brief explanation, and “Connect with Kids” questions with suggested answers, prayer prompt
What we love: The simple format makes it perfect for a wide range of ages.
Ages 7-14+
Theme: The amazing gifts we receive through faith in Jesus and how we can be generous too
Includes: Opening prayer and question, passage or selected verses from a passage, questions, closing prayer, extra creative ideas
What we love: Study and application questions are designed for various ages and stages of faith, simple prayers
Editor's note: Check out also our latest podcast episode on celebrating Advent in our homes and churches.