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- Publisher: Crossway Books
Jen Wilkin Bundle
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“In this short book, Jen Wilkin takes the reader through the Ten Commandments with her characteristic depth, wisdom, and clarity. Whether you have studied the Bible for decades or it is brand new to you, this book will help you to understand what these ancient words mean for you today. This book makes me covet Jen Wilkin’s amazing gifts of writing and teaching while giving me the tools to combat the coveting. Don’t steal this book, but get it any other way you can, and you’ll be glad you did.”
Russell Moore
President, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
“Jen Wilkin leads us to look at the Ten Commandments anew—welcoming obedience from a place of love and delight for the Lord, rather than fear and dread. For the believer set free in Christ, this is a reminder that the good news produces good fruit.”
Ruth Chou Simons
Wall Street Journal best-selling author, Beholding and Becoming and GraceLaced; artist; Founder, GraceLaced Co.
“Jen Wilkin has provided a fresh and timely guide through the Ten Commandments. She draws out their significance to those who follow Christ, giving us a mouth-watering vision of what life can look like as we follow the good words of King Jesus.”
Sam Allberry
pastor; author, 7 Myths about Singleness
“I try to read everything Jen Wilkin writes, and this book is another example of why. I found myself informed, challenged, and encouraged, and I think you will too”
Andrew Wilson
Teaching Pastor, King’s Church London
“In Ten Words to Live By, Jen Wilkin does what she does best: taking Scripture and making it plain; taking theology and revealing its everyday, here-and-now practicality. And once again, we remember that God’s ways and his commands are for our good. Once again, we remember that his words are life and health and peace.”
Hannah Anderson
author, All That’s Good: Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment
“Jen Wilkin has provided a clear, insightful, and accessible explanation of one of the most important sections of Holy Scripture—the Ten Commandments. With ease and verve she helps us understand the heart of God’s laws and how they are given to bring us life. Highly recommended!”
Jonathan T. Pennington
Associate Professor of New Testament, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“I’ve studied and preached the Ten Commandments over the last thirty years, but Ten Words to Live By helped me to see new truths and consider fresh applications. This book is biblical, thoughtful, and deeply practical. Jen Wilkin masterfully brings the ancient summary of the law to daily life. Regardless of your background with studying the Bible, read this book. You’ll be led to appreciate the Ten Commandments and how much we need them today.”
Mark Vroegop
Lead Pastor, College Park Church, Indianapolis, Indiana; author, Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy and Weep with Me
“Who should I be? This is a question many of us dont explore, at least not that explicitly, and yet the answer to this question is essential to everything about us as Christians. Jen Wilkin helps answer this question in her outstanding book In His Image. Wilkin takes us through Gods communicable attributes, teaching us how we can reflect our Creator God. Her careful study of Gods Word and theology makes In His Image a must-read.”
Trillia Newbell
author, Gods Very Good Idea; Enjoy; and United
“This book is for everyone who stresses over her decisions, constantly wondering whether or not shes in Gods will. Jen Wilkin graciously turns these questions upside down by encouraging us to know and behold the character of God, allowing that to inform and transform our actions as image bearers. In His Image presents a biblical and practical explanation of Gods communicable attributes that anyone can grasp, enjoy, and apply!”
Emily Jensen
Cofounder, Risen Motherhood; Cohost, Risen Motherhood podcast
“In His Image is packed full of theological insight, pastoral wisdom, real-life application, and plenty of self-deprecation. Along with its predecessor, None Like Him, it is essential reading for understanding what God is like and what it looks like for us to live in light of that.”
Sam Allberry
Editor, The Gospel Coalition; author, Is God Anti-Gay? and Why Bother with Church?
“A. W. Tozer famously said that what we think about God is the most important and most formative thing about us. Jen Wilkin shows us how the best answers to what we should do are found in what we become, and what we become is determined by our view of God. There is no more important subject matter, and few authors are as capable at communicating such deep truth in simple, engaging ways as Jen Wilkin is.”
J. D. Greear
Pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina; author, Not God Enough and Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart
“I have one big problem with this book: people will assume its only for women. This couldnt be further from the truth! God has given Jen Wilkin the gift of making big truths easily understandable, which is great news for a person of average intelligence like myself. All who desire to increase their knowledge of and passion for God should read this book. All who desire to grow in holiness and be conformed to the image of God need to add this to their library. I highly recommend it.”
Stephen Altrogge
author, Untamable God; creator, The Blazing Center
“In His Image is an invitation to become like the God we worship, to see his characteristics become true of us, the people he has created and redeemed. Jen Wilkins work provides a solid and accessible overview of a crucial part of Christian theology. Any believer who reads this book will benefit from its truth.”
Trevin Wax
Bible and Reference Publisher, LifeWay Christian Resources; author, This Is Our Time: Everyday Myths in Light of the Gospel
“In my ministry to college students, I am rarely asked questions about morality or theology. They ask for wisdom. Young people yearn to know how the world works and how to work well within it. Jen sets us on the right path by inviting us all to the essential starting point: awestruck wonder at our Maker. We must see how the eternal connects with the mundane if our lives are going to be filled with a sense of meaning. This is a resource that I would love to see in the hands of all of our students.”
Ben Stuart
Executive Director, Breakaway Ministries
“Many of us believe that greater peace and self–awareness come from exploring our own psyche or learning what makes us tick. But Jen Wilkin believes that greater self–knowledge comes from knowing and reverencing the One who is knowledge himself. In None Like Him, she invites us to learn how God’s nature transcends our own and why the difference between us is good news. In fact, it’s the very best news.”
Hannah Anderson
author, Made for More and Humble Roots
“This wonderful book is big on truth and big on God, which means it is very good for my soul. Jen’s exploration of God’s attributes and her reminder of all the ways I’m not God and don’t have to be God ministered to me as a wife, as a mother, and as a Christian. If true wisdom starts with the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves, then here is a book full of wisdom.”
Trisha DeYoung
happy wife to Kevin DeYoung, author of Just Do Something and Crazy Busy; stay–at–home adventurous mother of six
“Many of us attribute to God the characteristics of our fallen earthly fathers. In this study, Jen walks us through a better foundation for knowing and relating to our Father in heaven—Scripture itself. None Like Him is a helpful resource that reminds us that ‘the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
Wendy Horger Alsup
mother; author, Practical Theology for Women and The Gospel–Centered Woman
“What happens when women learn about the attributes of God? They rightfully praise him for who he is! Jen Wilkin has written a helpful book introducing the attributes that belong to God alone, while revealing our own tendencies to try to produce counterfeits in others or ourselves. A better understanding of who God is builds our faith and helps to guard against damaging theology. Jen presses the reader to see how God’s incommunicable attributes affect our own spirituality.”
Aimee Byrd
author, Housewife Theologian and Theological Fitness
“This book made me want Jen Wilkin as my best friend. But far more than that, it made me grateful that Jen Wilkin’s God is my God. Books that are this theologically rich while also being this funny, this personal, and this penetrating are rare. So don’t miss this one.”
Nancy Guthrie
Bible Teacher; author, Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study series
“Far beyond a Sunday school lesson listing the attributes of God, None Like Him evokes a sense of both familiarity and wonder around the characteristics of the Almighty we worship. This book puts us in our place, beneath the God of all and over all.”
Kate Shellnutt
Associate Editor, Christianity Today; Editor, Her.meneutics
“My wife and I love Jen Wilkin. She represents a rising generation of evangelical women discontent with the status quo, yet fiercely committed to the Scriptures. Her teaching is provocative without approaching compromise, revolutionary without seeking novelty. This book is rock solid, and it portends an encouraging future for evangelicalism.”
J. D. Greear
Lead Pastor, The Summit Church, Durham, North Carolina; author, Gaining By Losing
“In an upside–down world that has humanized God and deified man, Jen Wilkin brings us the best news imaginable: our God is infinitely greater, more powerful, more majestic, and more wonderful than we can possibly fathom. Jen calls us to lift our eyes upward, to earnestly contemplate his attributes, and to humbly acknowledge our own limits. As we do, our hearts will be filled with wonder and awe that such a God should stoop to save and love us.”
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
author; radio host, Revive Our Hearts
“I have had the privilege of personally knowing Jen Wilkin for several years. She is a woman intoxicated by the God of the Bible and has written None Like Him by staring at his majesty. The soul is healed not by gazing at its broken pieces, but by gazing at the beauty of its creator and surrendering to the ‘I can’ts, but he cans.’ I pray you melt into the relief of belonging to the One who is unlike any other as you read this book.”
Matt Chandler
Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network; author, The Mingling of Souls
“Wilkin’s challenges to the status quo, grounded in years of observation, ring with gentle wisdom and guide readers in how to study the Bible with greater depth.”
Publishers Weekly
(July 14, 2014)
“I have a passion for people to see and savor the God of the Bible, and a corresponding frustration when I see the hurt, loss, and lack of confidence that accompanies a lack of biblical literacy. That’s why I’m glad you are holding this book. Jen Wilkin takes knowing the God of the Bible seriously. She is one of the better Bible teachers I’ve had the opportunity to hear. Her approach in teaching people how to grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures is accessible and helpful regardless of whether you have been a Christian for decades and feel like it’s too late for you or you are a young believer who is hungry to know and understand the God of the Bible.”
Matt Chandler
Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network; author, The Mingling of Souls and The Explicit Gospel
“I found Women of the Word to be so practical in the way it demystifies serious Bible study. Too many people—men and women—opt for just reading a few verses and hoping for some inspiration, rather than discovering the meaning of the text in the sweep of God’s redemptive plan. Women of the Word will help all who read it to find their way deeper into the Word of God without having to be seminary educated, a genius, or even an especially good student. My only caveat is that I wish the title didn’t make it hard for men to read . . . they need it, too.”
Kathy Keller
Assistant Director of Communications, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City, New York
“I’ve seen eyes misty with tears as women come to understand for the first time that the Bible is actually, literally God’s Word. What great mercy we have been shown—that the Creator who spoke everything that ever was into existence would give us his Word. Jen Wilkin knows this mercy in the core of her being. She has tasted and seen God’s goodness in his Word, and she doesn’t want a single woman to miss it. Read Women of the Word with your Bible open and your friends alongside you. Think of this book as a maître d` of a Bible study banquet—have a seat, here are your utensils, dig in, and enjoy.”
Gloria Furman
author, Missional Motherhood and Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full
“Jen lives what she teaches. Her servant heart in unpacking the Scriptures as well as her affection for the women she is teaching is evident the moment you meet her. I’m so glad she was obedient to the Lord’s call to write this book! It has served to clear the fog in my heart and mind when it comes to studying God’s Word, and I absolutely cannot wait to purchase many more copies for the women in my life who I know will love it too!”
Bethany Barnard
“This book responds to the feelings-driven, me-centered approach that has too often dominated our study of the Scriptures. Jen encourages women to grow in knowledge of the Word in order to know our Lord. She speaks out of her own joyful and growing experience of learning to dig in. May her voice be joined by many others!”
Kathleen Nielson
author; speaker; Senior Adviser, The Gospel Coalition
“Reading the Bible can sometimes seem daunting. There are difficult passages, many interpretations, and often so little time to read thoroughly. Jen Wilkin recognizes this and provides tools to help us navigate it all. Women of the Word gives us a blueprint for Bible literacy. If we want to know the God we love, we must engage our minds and know his Word where he reveals himself. Wilkin’s tools may be new for some, but the effort will be worth the reward. Ultimately, it’s about seeing and savoring our Savior.”
Trillia Newbell
author, Sacred Endurance; If God Is for Us; and God’s Very Good Idea
“Jen Wilkin’s book is written with a winsomeness and warmth, which makes it easy to read. But she also writes with clarity of purpose that rightly pushes the reader to want to read God’s Word well. The bottom line: this book encourages women to know God better by developing good habits of reading his Word. Amen, sister!”
Jenny Salt
Dean of Students, Sydney Missionary and Bible College
“How can we go deeper than a little dabbling in the Bible for inspiration? Jen Wilkin shows us how in this must-read for every woman interested in teaching and leading Bible discussion groups in your church.”
Nancy Guthrie
author, Even Better than Eden: Nine Ways the Bible’s Story Changes Everything about Your Story
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About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- Publisher: Crossway Books