Wisdom in Leadership: The How and Why of Leading the People You Serve - Hamilton, Craig - 9781922206718
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Product Details
  • Cover Type:
  • 495 Pages
  • Publisher: Matthias Media
  • Publication Date: July 2015

Wisdom in Leadership: The How and Why of Leading the People You Serve

Hamilton, Craig

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$24.99 MSRP

In Wisdom in Leadership Craig Hamilton shares what he has learned through many years of being a student of the Bible and theology; a discerning reader of books on leadership; a keen observer of life and the way things work; and a loving leader of the people God has placed around him.

This book is a goldmine of helpful insights for pastors and anyone else with leadership responsibilities in their church. With 78 chapters covering an extensive range of topics, this may well be the only book on church leadership you'll ever need to read.

Wisdom in Leadership lays down foundational principles in the opening chapters, and then provides a comprehensive array of practical applications on a wide variety of topics. It is not necessarily the sort of book you will read from cover to cover but, having read the principles, you will find yourself helpfully dipping into the various practical chapters as you have time and feel the need.

Craig Hamilton is a graduate of Moore Theological College, and is the senior minister at Pitt Town Anglican.
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In Wisdom in Leadership Craig Hamilton shares what he has learned through many years of being a student of the Bible and theology; a discerning reader of books on leadership; a keen observer of life and the way things work; and a loving leader of the people God has placed around him.

This book is a goldmine of helpful insights for pastors and anyone else with leadership responsibilities in their church. With 78 chapters covering an extensive range of topics, this may well be the only book on church leadership you'll ever need to read.

Wisdom in Leadership lays down foundational principles in the opening chapters, and then provides a comprehensive array of practical applications on a wide variety of topics. It is not necessarily the sort of book you will read from cover to cover but, having read the principles, you will find yourself helpfully dipping into the various practical chapters as you have time and feel the need.

Craig Hamilton is a graduate of Moore Theological College, and is the senior minister at Pitt Town Anglican.
  • Cover Type:
  • 495 Pages
  • Publisher: Matthias Media
  • Publication Date: July 2015