Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 696 Pages
- Publisher: P & R Publishing
- Publication Date: November 2019
The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship, Revised and Expanded
Robert Letham (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is professor of systematic and historical theology at Union School of Theology. A Presbyterian minister with twenty-five years of pastoral experience, he is the author of books such as The Work of Christ; The Holy Trinity; and Union with Christ, and a range of articles published in encyclopedias and journals.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“The doctrine of the Trinity demands the careful study of biblical exegesis, historical theology, Christian orthodoxy and heresy, interdenominational differences and discussions, systematic theology, and practical implications. Robert Letham’s outstanding book (this substantially updated and expanded version is even better than the first) covers all the bases well, and yet still leaves us in awe of the incomprehensible mystery of our triune God.”
Joel R. Beeke
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“The doctrine of the Trinity is the foundation stone of a distinctively Christian theology, and interest in it continues to grow. In this revised version of his earlier study, Bob Letham takes us through its many aspects, including the controversies that have surrounded it, and guides us to an understanding based on Scripture, faithful to the orthodox tradition and sensitive to today’s needs. Essential reading for us all.”
Gerald Bray
Research Professor of Theology, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
“It is a pleasure to recommend the second edition of Bob Letham’s The Holy Trinity. This ancient doctrine has stirred up new discussion since his acclaimed first edition, but the author has kept up with what has been going on. So I suppose it is fair to say that this augmented text does not contain the author’s last word on this fundamental Christian mystery, but he has given his readers his latest word. In it, Letham continues to display more of his learning and more of his characteristic watchfulness when met by the latest Trinitarian neologisms and analogies.”
Paul Helm
Emeritus Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College, London
“This is a very solid, well-reasoned, and well-researched volume on the doctrine of the Trinity. Letham is a master of historical theology. He brings his immense learning to bear on many contemporary Trinitarian issues in an astute and compelling way. Anyone who reads this work will be greatly informed and enriched.”
George Hunsinger
Hazel Thompson McCord Professor of Systematic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
“It gives me great pleasure to commend this revised edition of Robert Letham’s Holy Trinity. His Trinitarian theology is always exegetical; he carefully opens the relevant biblical texts and lets them tell us what God says about himself as one God in three distinct persons, in both Old and New Testaments. Letham’s interaction with the great theological tradition of the Christian church, both East and West, models the best historical theology with fairness and clarity, and should be a massive resource for both the academy and the working pastorate. I particularly appreciated his chapters ‘East and West’ (10 and 11); ‘John Calvin’ (12); ‘Under Eastern Eyes’ (15), and ‘Thomas F. Torrance’ (16). Much to recommend throughout!”
Douglas F. Kelly
Professor Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary
“This update of what is already a standard work is a real bonus. It is also a tribute to Dr. Letham’s love for his subject that he didn’t let go of it when he finished what must have been a very demanding first edition. This new volume, marked by the same careful exegesis, rigorous historical scholarship, catholicity of spirit, and sustained reverence, will remain, even to dog-ears, the favorite companion of all serious students of the doctrine of the Trinity.”
Donald Macleod
Professor, Edinburgh Theological Seminary
“This book is complex and simple, deep and accessible. There is a reason why the first edition received so much acclaim. Over the past decade, it has shaped my thinking on the Trinity in more ways than I often realize. Even when I find myself reacting to some nuanced arguments related to Eastern versus Western thought, I have often been surprised that my reactions can be somehow traced back to this book. Whether we agree or disagree with all of the author’s points, this is a great book because it has a way of arresting our attention, refusing to let us ignore it. While this second edition could use more updating in light of recent research, it remains as readable, interesting, and helpful as ever.”
Ryan M. McGraw
Morton H. Smith Professor of Systematic Theology, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
“In this carefully constructed second edition of his important book on the Trinity, Robert Letham forcefully and convincingly demonstrates exactly why the classical doctrine of the Trinity, rightly understood, is indispensable not only for all aspects of theology but for ecumenical agreement today. Especially interesting and helpful for students and scholars alike are his analysis and critique, when appropriate, of a variety of prominent contemporary theologians from the West (Barth, Rahner, Moltmann, Pannenberg, T. F. Torrance) and the East (Bulgakov, Lossky, Staniloae) with his perceptive arguments against panentheist views that collapse the immanent into the economic Trinity and dualist views that separate God from us.”
Paul D. Molnar
Professor of Systematic Theology, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, St. John’s University, Queens, NY
“Robert Letham’s second edition is to be welcomed as a sound guide to biblical, historical, theological aspects of Trinitarian doctrine, and a guide to contributions, dangers, and deviations in contemporary discussions of the Trinity.”
Vern Poythress
Professor of New Testament and Biblical Interpretation, Westminster Theological Seminary
“When people ask me to recommend a good book on the Trinity, I start with a couple of short books designed mainly for devotional and motivational effects. But when I discern that they’re ready to take the next step into the subject and can handle a bigger book with more exegetical depth, more historical scope, and a fair discussion of this doctrine’s range of views, I always point to Letham’s The Holy Trinity. This second edition ensures that I can continue sending students to Letham for helpful guidance and confident teaching about this central doctrine.”
Fred Sanders
Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University
“Those of us who read the first edition were struck by Letham’s mastery of the historical narrative of Trinitarian theology. Given recent discussion on subordinationism, the newly written introduction alone is justification for purchasing the updated version. The book is evidence of how far short we fall of the erudite discussions of the Trinity in the early church, and how seriously close to ‘another religion’ we come when defending the doctrine today.”
Derek W. H. Thomas
Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC; Chancellor’s Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries
“In this updated and refined version of his widely read book, Robert Letham enriches his biblical treatment of the Trinity, broadens his treatment of historical figures, and extends his discussion to include recent debate. The Holy Trinity defends and deepens the church’s doctrine of God. Read it, and you will be provoked to thought and prayer.”
Chad Van Dixhoorn
Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Letham’s widely acclaimed study of the doctrine of the Trinity is a model of theological reflection as it ought to be conducted. All the indispensable features of a proper theological method are on open display throughout—attention to scriptural foundations, sympathetic engagement with the historic creeds and confessions of the church, collegial conversation with the best theologians in the history of the Eastern and Western churches, and a desire to see the doctrine of the Trinity more profoundly inform the church’s worship. Considering the complexities of Trinitarian debates, Letham manages to treat the subject with remarkable clarity and insight. Though much contemporary writing on controversial topics is often marred by an excess or an absence of conviction, Letham strikes a good balance. He clearly and resolutely makes his case for a more robust and consistent Trinitarian doctrine and practice in the church. But he does so without caricaturing the positions of those with whom he differs, while remaining resolute in defending the position he embraces. Since Letham’s study is arguably among the finest introductions to the doctrine of the Trinity available today, its republication in revised form is a most welcome development.”
Cornelis P. Venema
President and Professor of Doctrinal Studies, Mid-America Reformed Seminary
Product Description
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 696 Pages
- Publisher: P & R Publishing
- Publication Date: November 2019