Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 176 Pages
- Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
- Publication Date: May 2021
All Things Are Ready: Understanding the Gospel in Its Fullness and Freeness
It is one of the glories of the gospel that it is universal in scope. There is nothing narrow or limited about the good news of salvation, but we often need reminded of this. When the world seems increasingly hostile the Church can be tempted to retreat in on itself. Donald John Maclean seeks to remind Christians of the fullness and freeness of the gospel, and to encourage them to share it with those who have not yet turned to Christ.
Donald John MacLean is an elder in Cambridge Presbyterian Church where he preaches regularly. He is a Trustee of the Banner of Truth and editor of Foundations, the theological journal of Affinity. He is married to Ruth and has two children, Hannah and Jonathan.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Thoroughly biblical, confessionally reformed, and winsomely written—a little gem of a book! Here is warm–hearted Calvinism on full display! ”
Jonathan Gibson
Associate Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Glenside, Pennsylvania
“… Dr. MacLean has written a book that Pastors can enjoy and also recommend to their flock. It is probably the best work I have read of its kind. ”
Mark Jones
Minister, Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCA), Vancouver, Canada
“The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news the world has ever known. As Christians, we need to tell everyone about it. In this well–written book, Donald John Maclean expertly and concisely takes readers through the biblical, theological, and practical reasons why the gospel invitation is for all people. ”
John W. Tweedale
Academic Dean and Professor of Theology, Reformation Bible College, Sanford, Florida
“In a day of cool communication, Donald John MacLean makes the case for warm, wholehearted and unrestrained gospel proclamation. This book made me want to preach. It is a treasure for all who love the gospel of Jesus Christ. ”
Colin S. Smith
Senior Pastor, The Orchard, Arlington Heights, Illinois and President, Unlocking the Bible
“This superb new book deals with some very live questions amongst Reformed Christians: does God love everyone? Can we offer everyone the invitation to come to Christ? With careful and systematic use of Scripture, the author conclusively shows us that the answer is a resounding ‘Yes’. ”
Jeremy McQuoid
Teaching Pastor, Deeside Christian Fellowship, Aberdeen, Scotland and Chair of Council, Keswick Ministries
“This is a relentlessly biblical and relentlessly open–hearted book, which shows us very clearly that those who delight most in the truth of God’s glorious sovereignty should be passionate and persistent evangelists—like Jesus. ”
Lee Gatiss
Director of Church Society, and Adjunct Lecturer in Church History, Union School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales
“Donald John Maclean helpfully lays out the biblical teaching on this most important of topics, and its implications. The chapter ‘Objections considered’ to the free offer of the gospel is particularly noteworthy. It is a welcome addition to writings in this field. ”
Alasdair MacLeod
Minister, Smithon Church, Inverness, Scotland
“Can we offer everyone the invitation to come to Christ? With careful and systematic use of Scripture, the author conclusively shows us that the answer is a resounding ‘Yes’. I pray that this book spurs us all to make the free offer of the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone, with urgency, winsomeness, and power. ”
Jeremy Marshall
Evangelist and author of Beyond the Big C: Hope in the Face of Death
Product Description
It is one of the glories of the gospel that it is universal in scope. There is nothing narrow or limited about the good news of salvation, but we often need reminded of this. When the world seems increasingly hostile the Church can be tempted to retreat in on itself. Donald John Maclean seeks to remind Christians of the fullness and freeness of the gospel, and to encourage them to share it with those who have not yet turned to Christ.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 176 Pages
- Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
- Publication Date: May 2021