Answering Speech: The Life of Prayer as Response to God

Brendsel, Daniel J

$14.54 $19.99
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Pursuing an Expansive Life of Prayer

In wondrous contrast to silent idols, the one true God speaks. He addresses his people in love, and it's their great privilege to answer him in prayer. At its root, prayer isn't mere self-expression or a prod to get a silent God to speak, but it is a learned skill to answer God's initiating word in Christ.

Through this thoughtful book, author and pastor Daniel J. Brendsel explains how responding to God can nurture prayerful engagement with Scripture, shape healthy rhythms among God's praying people, and spur excitement for communion with God. For those disappointed by their current life of prayer, Answering Speech invites readers to enter into an expansive and exuberant life of response to the Father through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Offers a Unique Perspective: Explores how Christians are not initiators of prayer but responders to what God has already done
  • Appeals to Pastors and Thoughtful Laypersons: Focuses on important issues that should be taught within the local church
  • Theological yet Accessible: Deeply rooted in theology, this book offers encouragement and practical rhythms for prayer

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
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  • Publisher
  • Publication Date
    July 2023

Endorsements (6)

About the Author

Daniel J. Brendsel (PhD, Wheaton College) is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Hinckley, Minnesota. He is the author of Isaiah Saw His Glory,/I> and several articles appearing in books and journals.
Answering Speech: The Life of Prayer as Response to God - Brendsel, Daniel J - 9781433588945
Crossway/Good News Publishers

Answering Speech: The Life of Prayer as Response to God

$14.54 $19.99

Pursuing an Expansive Life of Prayer

In wondrous contrast to silent idols, the one true God speaks. He addresses his people in love, and it's their great privilege to answer him in prayer. At its root, prayer isn't mere self-expression or a prod to get a silent God to speak, but it is a learned skill to answer God's initiating word in Christ.

Through this thoughtful book, author and pastor Daniel J. Brendsel explains how responding to God can nurture prayerful engagement with Scripture, shape healthy rhythms among God's praying people, and spur excitement for communion with God. For those disappointed by their current life of prayer, Answering Speech invites readers to enter into an expansive and exuberant life of response to the Father through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Offers a Unique Perspective: Explores how Christians are not initiators of prayer but responders to what God has already done
  • Appeals to Pastors and Thoughtful Laypersons: Focuses on important issues that should be taught within the local church
  • Theological yet Accessible: Deeply rooted in theology, this book offers encouragement and practical rhythms for prayer


  • Paperback


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