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The Dawn of Grace: Readings on Advent and the Incarnation (eBook)


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The Dawn of Grace showcases an inspiring collection of Christmas sermons and lectures in Reformed theology, each celebrating the birth of Christ and his incarnation. Edited by Pierce Taylor Hibbs and offering some pieces that have never been seen in print before, The Dawn of Grace includes contributions from David B. Garner, Harry L. Reeder, Sinclair Ferguson, Tim Keller, Edmund Clowney, E.J. Young, John Murray, James Ussher, and St. Augustine. Taken together, these readings show that the dawn of grace is not just the coming of Christ and the beginning of Christmas. It's God's gloriously pure deathblow to sin and suffering. Experience this historic tour throughout the Advent season (and throughout the year) as you delve into the grand mystery of the incarnation of God's Son.

  • Cover Type
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  • Publisher
    Westminster Seminary Press
  • Publication Date
    December 2024
Westminster Seminary Press

The Dawn of Grace: Readings on Advent and the Incarnation (eBook)

$4.99 $9.99

The Dawn of Grace showcases an inspiring collection of Christmas sermons and lectures in Reformed theology, each celebrating the birth of Christ and his incarnation. Edited by Pierce Taylor Hibbs and offering some pieces that have never been seen in print before, The Dawn of Grace includes contributions from David B. Garner, Harry L. Reeder, Sinclair Ferguson, Tim Keller, Edmund Clowney, E.J. Young, John Murray, James Ussher, and St. Augustine. Taken together, these readings show that the dawn of grace is not just the coming of Christ and the beginning of Christmas. It's God's gloriously pure deathblow to sin and suffering. Experience this historic tour throughout the Advent season (and throughout the year) as you delve into the grand mystery of the incarnation of God's Son.


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