What Is a Christian? (Cultivating Biblical Godliness)

McGraw, Ryan M

$2.73 $3.00
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Publisher's Description

What is a Christian? This is a truly vital question because never-ending happiness or everlasting horror hinges upon understanding the correct, biblical answer to it. Yet few questions have provoked so much confusion. Ryan McGraw lays out what it means to be a Christian in terms of what one believes, what one experiences, and what one does a full-orbed Christianity of head, heart, and hands. If you are investigating what it means to follow Jesus Christ, if you are wrestling with the question of whether you are truly saved, if you desire to grow as a Christian by getting back to the basics, or if you are seeking to help others, here are simple and clear answers from the Holy Scriptures.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Reformation Heritage Books
  • Publication Date
    April 2014

Endorsements (1)

Reformation Heritage Books

What Is a Christian? (Cultivating Biblical Godliness)

From $2.73 $3.00

Publisher's Description

What is a Christian? This is a truly vital question because never-ending happiness or everlasting horror hinges upon understanding the correct, biblical answer to it. Yet few questions have provoked so much confusion. Ryan McGraw lays out what it means to be a Christian in terms of what one believes, what one experiences, and what one does a full-orbed Christianity of head, heart, and hands. If you are investigating what it means to follow Jesus Christ, if you are wrestling with the question of whether you are truly saved, if you desire to grow as a Christian by getting back to the basics, or if you are seeking to help others, here are simple and clear answers from the Holy Scriptures.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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