When the Church Harms God's People: Becoming Faith Communities That Resist Abuse, Pursue Truth, and Care for the Wounded

Langberg, Diane

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Internationally recognized psychologist Diane Langberg has come face to face with the crushing trauma of sexual abuse, trafficking, domestic abuse, and rape--and its cover-up.

Even more tragic, she has encountered it all within Christian communities and the church.

As a highly respected trauma scholar and psychologist working in the United States and around the world for more than 50 years, she envisions a better way.

In When the Church Harms God's People, Langberg unveils what she has learned about how churches cause harm and why Christian communities often foster unhealthy leaders who end up hurting rather than protecting God's people. She also offers hope for the future, describing how churches can reflect Christ not just in what they teach but also in how they care for themselves and others.

This book is an invaluable tool for leaders and laypeople alike who want to help the church resist abuses of power and become a safe place for survivors.

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  • Publisher
    Brazos Press
  • Publication Date
    November 2024

Endorsements (6)

About the Author

Diane Langberg (PhD, Temple University) is an internationally recognized psychologist with more than fifty years of experience. She chaired the advisory board of the American Association of Christian Counselors until stepping down in 2021 and cofounded the Global Trauma Recovery Institute, which trains therapists to assist trauma victims across the world. She is the founder of Langberg, Monroe and Associates, which provides counseling services in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, and consults with Christian organizations around the world to address issues of abuse in the church. Langberg speaks on abuse and trauma the world over and is the author of seven books, including Redeeming Power. Her books have been translated into ten languages.
When the Church Harms God's People: Becoming Faith Communities That Resist Abuse, Pursue Truth, and Care for the Wounded - Langberg, Diane - 9781587436451
Baker Book House

When the Church Harms God's People: Becoming Faith Communities That Resist Abuse, Pursue Truth, and Care for the Wounded

$17.45 $19.99
Internationally recognized psychologist Diane Langberg has come face to face with the crushing trauma of sexual abuse, trafficking, domestic abuse, and rape--and its cover-up.

Even more tragic, she has encountered it all within Christian communities and the church.

As a highly respected trauma scholar and psychologist working in the United States and around the world for more than 50 years, she envisions a better way.

In When the Church Harms God's People, Langberg unveils what she has learned about how churches cause harm and why Christian communities often foster unhealthy leaders who end up hurting rather than protecting God's people. She also offers hope for the future, describing how churches can reflect Christ not just in what they teach but also in how they care for themselves and others.

This book is an invaluable tool for leaders and laypeople alike who want to help the church resist abuses of power and become a safe place for survivors.


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